Wednesday, July 1, 2009


A week back into the routine of up early, out the door by 8am, working all day, going to the gym, home after 8:30pm … and it has been fascinating to see how quickly that week, those five days vanished. NOW I understand how so many years passed by in such a fog, in particular the last two and a half!

It brings me back to the importance of being mindful, and re-enforces how essential it is to stay present in each moment.

I am grateful that I stopped to write down goals I wanted to achieve across the three months, June through August. And that, having written down those goals, I noted the plans, and the steps that would be needed to ensure they were met. Without this I would lose sight of where I want to head, and what I really want to be doing and I would find myself vanishing back into the fog for the next ten weeks.

And ten weeks can very quickly becomes years…

So I return my focus and intent to deepening my connection with my intuitive self, to exploring all aspects and beliefs that I have held, and determining if I feel any connection to them, or if they have just become subconsciously ingrained.

It is a slow process, but I have a deep feeling of inner contentment and a patient aspect of my soul has finally emerged. Dare I say, I almost feel Zen in my approach.

It truly is just one step, one day at a time. Tending to one thing a day towards achieving the goal, remaining mindful...and also, still being attached to the outcome with the full intent of my heart.

My soul and consciousness is walking in that dual dimension where “change is both on its way and has already come”. It is a peculiar and yet peaceful sensation to say that I have nothing to show, to prove my success, but I know the goal has already been achieved, success has already occurred. And though I may not be able to see it, I feel it as though it is…

But now its back to this moment, and the step I need to take next to ensure that it does.

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