Wednesday, July 29, 2009

TRANSFORMATION: Universal Timing

"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself" ~ Zenrin Kushu

I have found myself pondering the ebbs and flows of cycles in my life. I find myself looking back at the past 10 years, and I see times of exhuberent growth, followed by fallow times, where I am wanting to see change...and at times I have even forced it unnecessarily!

I feel like so much has been going on in the last 12-18 months and I have been so busy planning and planting, that right now, I just need to sit quietly and allow things to happen in their own time....manifest according to the Universal calendar (which I intuitively know will be soon enough). That is not to say that I sit idle, twiddling my thumbs. I can still do my writing, look at the list of goals I had set for myself and quietly take care of what I already have in front of me.

I just need to give everything the space and freedom to create itself, rather than continue to plant more seeds from a place of ... of shouldn't I be "doing more". My blades of grass are about to break through the surface, and in my need to "do more", I'm ready to interupt this by digging around and planting new things.

You don't need to make grass grow any faster!! And really, when you think about it, the beautiful thing is, you actually can't!! It has its own time. There are some things that you just can't force into being.

Its all about rhythm. Its all about tuning in to the energetic tides in your life, and moving consciously and naturally with those tides. Its all about learning to move and flow with that rhythm, and not allowing the need to control, the anxiety of the ego to force you into action, when non-action is what is required.

So, today I will sit quietly, do nothing and wait for my grass to grow.